Friday, May 28, 2010

The importance of footwork

There are silat practitioners who claim that footwork is unimportant in order to defend oneself. The validity of this argument depends on several factors, and Pukul Pelaga has fighting styles which do not rely much on footwork. Nevertheless in general footwork is important partly because humans have two legs for moving around.

Due to the recognition of this fact a lot of stress is given to footwork in Pukul Pelaga. Many silat practitioners used to laugh at this, partly because they do not really understand the difference between footwork and pattern.

Another factor is the proper execution of many techniques depends a lot on proper footwork. This is why Pukul Pelaga has thousands of techniques. Granted that most of the techniques are not used but they can surprise the Opponent.

The importance of footwork has made many silat practitioners adopting the concept while claiming the new moves have always been part of their training.

Sets of footwork in Pukul Pelaga include
1) Lam Dalalah
2) Sembilan (nine)
3) Mata Angin (compass points)
4) Zig zag
5) Abjad

Patterns include
1) Empat Benda Hak (four prime directions)
2) Square
3) Triangle

The footwork set can easily be changed into different patterns.


Anonymous said...


May I know where is pukul pelaga gelanggang located in n.sembilan?

Traveller said...

We can ve found in Ampangan.

Anonymous said...

Salam...agakan saya lam jalalah berbentuk pagar...cuma abjad tidak saya pasti....wallahualam. Apapun selamat berjaya dan salam persilatan dari saya (saya bukan pelajar pukul pelaga). Kembangkan warisan ini...

org bangi said...

izinkan sy bertanya, adakah silat pelaga tn sama dgn siku 12 di penang tue?
boleh tn admin bg alamat gelanggang. Ada hajat utk berguru. Tq.

Anonymous said...

Saya bukan pemilik blog ni tapi ghasanya saya boleh jawab sebab saya mai penang...

Bukan, siku 12 bukan pukul pelaga... Siku 12 lebih ke arah Silat Embo dan jugak unsur muay dalamnya. Tapi... mungkin pemilik blog ni lebih tahu...wallahualam.

Traveller said...

Saya difahamkan pengasas Pukul Pelaga, Sheikh Ghulam Meah juga mengajar Siku 12.

PP mempunyai banyak cabang tempur, dan permainan menggunakan siku adala salah satu darinya. Salah satu senaman yang ditekankan adalah bertujuan untuk menguatkan siku.

Traveller said...

Org Bangi,

Saya boleh dihubungi menerusi 017 317 8254. Sekarang ni tinggal di Ampangan.

Cikgu Shuib Dirwan sekarang ni tinggal di Bandar Mahkota, t api sudah tidakaktif mengajar.